What to Expect

You are invited to join us for Sunday worship at 9:00am with Holy Communion.

You may also join us online via Zoom (link) or Facebook Live (link).

To get on our mailing list and receive updates about our worship, please email the church office at stpeterluthelca@sbcglobal.net.

Here are a few things to expect at our Sunday Worship...

  • Casual dress is perfectly acceptable.
  • Our service is based on rituals, beloved forms of worship, with a pattern of spoken and sung prayers, hymns, and responses that we follow every week. 
  • We like to sing! We have a rich tradition of praising God and expressing our faith in song. Hymns are usually accompanied by organ or piano. 
  • Our 45 minute – to 1 hour long service offers an opportunity for worshippers to sit, stand, and kneel at various points in the service. Please feel free to move and position your body however you are able.
  • Holy Communion is celebrated at Sunday Worship. Lutherans believe that Holy Communion is the true body and blood of Christ, present and received in, with, and under the bread and wine/juice. Jesus is the host at this meal, and he invites all who are hungry and thirsty to come to the table. If you have been baptized into a community of Christian believers and profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you are welcome to come forward and receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
  • We have both wine and grape juice available, as well as gluten-free wafers.
  • Children are always welcome for the entire service. We do have a children’s playroom available if your little one needs a quiet space, though.
  • There is parking, including accessible parking, available on 9th Street entrance near the front doors and also in the parking lot near the portico.