Lord, Jesus Christ:
You said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you”
(John 14:27a).
We join our prayers with all who pray for peace concerning the war between Ukraine and Russia. We ask that you protect the vulnerable, shield them from the horrors of war, and from being abused by those seeking to make a profit from this crisis. Comfort all who have lost someone dear to them from this war; heal those whose mind, body, or soul has been scarred from conflict. Provide for those who care for others—firefighters, police, first responders, nurses, field medics, doctors, and all who assist with getting supplies to where they are needed. Guide all leaders, especially those of Ukraine and Russia, to seek an end to this conflict and work towards reconciliation.
We know that with you all things are possible Lord.
Hear our prayer and bring peace to Ukraine.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. Amen